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This competition is played from 9.30am until about 1.30pm on Friday. Each team is made up of at least 4 players (4 players are required to play each week) 8 sets of doubles are played on 2 courts i.e. each player plays 4 sets of doubles

If you are interested in playing in one of our teams, please contact Zoran on 0417 258 236


Instructions for Winning Teams


Winner – please send the completed score sheet including division, name, address, phone and “TQ” number of new registrations to:Div. 1 & 3 – Shelly Stocker, 4 Greygum Court, Mooloolaba 4557 shellystockertennis@hotmail.comDiv.2, 4 & 5 – Shirley Wallace, 74 Gossamer Drive, Buderim. 4556. shirleywallacetennis@gmail.comwithin 7 days of the match.Wet match – home team to submit the score sheet.Forfeits – team receiving a forfeit to send in a score sheet.


Recorders 2016

Div. 1 & 3 – Shelly Ph: 5444-3914, M: 0417-200-081, E: shellystockertennis@hotmail.comDiv. 2, 4 & 5 – Shirley Ph: 54444084, E:

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