Nambour and District Tennis Association
Launch Pad stage
(ages 3–5)
The Launch Pad stage introduces children to tennis through games and fun activities.
There are a number of program options at this stage, including the official Launch Pad program Wilson PeeWee tennis.
Court size: variable
Tennis ball: red ball (25% compression)
Recommended racquet size: 19–23 inches
Red stage
(ages 5–8)
The red ball is larger than a yellow ball and doesn’t bounce as high (just 25 per cent compression), making it a breeze for even the youngest players to hit it comfortably. The courts and nets used in the Red stage are much smaller and easier for kids to move around.
Court size: 3 m × 8.23 or 6 m × 10.97 m
Tennis ball: red ball (25 per cent compression)
Recommended racquet size: 21–23 inches
Orange stage
(ages 8–10)
After mastering the Red stage, children move on to the Orange stage where the ball bounces a little higher (50 per cent compression) and the court is a bit bigger.
Court size: 6.4 m × 18.29 m
Tennis ball: orange ball (50 per cent compression)
Recommended racquet size: 23–25 inches
30 minutes
4-6 students
once a week $ 99 per term
twice a week $ 169 per term
30 minutes
4-6 students
once a week $ 99 per term
twice a week $ 169 per term
45 minutes
4-6 students
$ 149 per term
60 minutes
4-6 students
once a week $ 199 per term
twice a week $398 per term
mention this ad and get $30 off
when paying for two sessions a week

Free 19" or 21"
alloy racquet with the first payment

Free 21" or 23" alloy racquet with the first payment

Free 23" or 25" alloy racquet with the first payment
60 minutes
4-6 students
once a week $ 199 per term
twice a week $398 per term
mention this ad and get $30 off
when paying for two sessions a week

Free 25" alloy racquet with the first payment
Green stage
(ages 9+)
The ball used in the Green stage has a higher compression (75 per cent of a yellow tennis ball) and children play on a full-size court.
Tennis ball: green ball (75 per cent compression)
Recommended racquet size: 25–27 inches
Red Ball Hot Shots timetable:
Group lessons 45 min Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Nambour Tennis Centre 45 min Monday 3.30 -4.15 cost $ 149 per term
Private lessons cost 30 min...$40, 45 min ...$60, 60 min ...$75,
Semi private lessons share the cost 30 min ...$20 each, 45min ...$30 each, 60min ...$ 40 each
Call Zoran at 0417 258 236 to arrange time
Orange Ball Hot Shots timetable:
Group lessons:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 3:45-4:45 ...1 hour $199 per term
Nambour Tennis Centre group lesson:
Monday 3:30-4-15 ...45 min ...$149 per term
Wednesday 4:30-5:30...1 hour....199 per term
Private lessons cost 30min...$40, 45 min ...$60, 60 min ...$75,
Semi-private lessons share the cost 30 min ...$20 each, 45 min ...$30 each, 60 min ...$ 40 each
Call Zoran at 0417 258 236 to arrange time
Green Ball Hot Shots timetable:
Group lessons
Nambour Tennis Centre group lessons Friday 3:30-4:30 Wednesday 4:30-5:30 ...1 hour $199 per term
Private lessons cost 30 min...$40, 45 min ...$60, 60 min ...$75,
Semi private lessons share the cost 30 min ...$20 each, 45 min ...$30 each, 60 min ...$ 40 each
Call Zoran at 0417 258 236 to arrange time